Volume : VII, Issue : IX, September - 2018

Study of hepato–biliary system pathologies using MRCP

Maha Esmeal Ahmed, Mwahib Sid Ahmed Aldosh

Abstract :

Objective : Magnetic Resonance Cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) is  increasingly being used as a noninvasive alternative to ERCP .  Currently it gaining  a high percentage of the diagnostic results  comparable with those from ERCP for various hepatobiliary pathologies. The  importance of the study derived from the importance of  MRCP as  good diagnostic procedure in detecting and characterization of  the hepato–biliary diseases.

Methods:The incidence  of  the hepatobiliary diseases has been increased in Sudan.  to estimate characteristic assessment    of  the disease  , a study was conducted among Sudanese patients affecting from  hepatobiliary disorders  using Magnetic Resonance. Population of the study including 50 patients

Results:The main findings  of the study reveal  that MRCP is more reliable for diagnosis of hepatobiliary diseases. The data analyzed by MRCP screening revealed that 98% of the population had abnormalities in the biliary system, compared to 44% withultrasound. The statistics analyzed from the patient‘s age and gender showed that females were 58% more affected than males. The most common age groups between 62–82 years with  percentage  of 44%. The results obtained also showed that older patients were more affected than younger patients. The results of the diagnosis using MRCP detected about 52% of the population with gallstones, 5% with common bile ducts and 20%  with choleangiocarcinom.

Conclusion:The study concluded  that, the MRCP is  the best choice for detecting the hepatobiliary diseases  compå  with  ultrasound and ERCP .And the use of  heavily T2 weighted images techniques are effective  procedure in  characterization  and  differentiation of the disease. The study confirmed that MRCP is a good diagnosing procedure which  offer  new  method for detecting the  hepato–biliary diseases in its early stage, without complication as    other invasive  procedure such as ERCP.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Maha Esmeal Ahmed, Mwahib Sid Ahmed Aldosh, Study of hepato–biliary system pathologies using MRCP, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-9 | September-2018

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