Volume : VI, Issue : I, January - 2017

Study of the Role of Paperless Partograph in Monitoring Primiparous and Multiparous Labour at RIMS RAIPUR

Dr. Asha Jain, Dr. Manjusha Agarwal, Dr. Brajendra Kumar

Abstract :

  Our study was conducted to determine the role of paperless partograph in monitoring primiparous and multiparous labour by compå with the WHO Modified partograph. The course of labour in 400(200 primiparous and 200 multiparous) women with term, singleton pregnancies with vertex presentation in labour without any complications was studied by using either partographs in groups of 200 (100 primiparous and 100 multiparous) and the labour outcome of primiparous and multiparous compared. The rate of caesarean section was 9% primiparous and 13% multiparous monitored by Paperless partograph as against 9% primiparous and 12% multiparous of the WHO one. Augmentation was required in 8% primiparous and 5% multiparous cases subjected to the Paperless partograph which was comparable to the WHO Modified partograph. The labour Paperless partograph was similar to the WHO Modified partograph in monitoring primiparous and multiparous labour as an effective means to prevent prolonged labour and its sequel.

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Dr.Asha Jain, Dr.Manjusha Agarwal, Dr.Brajendra kumar, Study of the Role of Paperless Partograph in Monitoring Primiparous and Multiparous Labour at RIMS RAIPUR, International Journal of Scientific Research, Volume : 6 | Issue : 1 | JANUARY 2017

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