Volume : VII, Issue : II, February - 2018

Study on variations in shape of mandibular coronoid process in 200 South Indian subjects.

Dr. Sangeetha. V, Dr. Tanveer Ahamed Khanh. S

Abstract :


Introduction: Mandible being largest and strongest bone of skull, having various morphological features which show changes with reference to age, sex, and race. With this objectivity  in the mind present study was undertaken to furnish  more  information on variations in shape of coronoid process of mandible.

Materials and Method: The present study was under taken in 200 dry human mandibles of South Indian subjects. The data pertaining to above was taken and subjected for statistical analysis.

 Results: Overall triangular type of coronoid process (67%) was more prevalent than hook shaped (30%) and rounded (3%). Triangular type being more prevalent in males (72.2%) than females (51.1%), whereas hook shaped coronoid process was more prevalent in females (44.9%) than males (25.2%) and  rounded  type was more prevalent in females (4.1%) than males (2.6).

Conclusion: Shape of coronoid process may be used for sexing of mandibles. Coronoid process is used to identify the site for injection of local anaesthetic or for excision of nerve for facial neuralgia.

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Dr. Sangeetha.V, Dr. Tanveer Ahamed khanH.S, Study on variations in shape of mandibular coronoid process in 200 South Indian subjects., INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-2 | February-2018

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