Volume : VI, Issue : IX, September - 2017

The ansa cervicalis: variations and applied significance

Arthi Ganapathy, Prabavathy Gajendran, Raghuram Kuppusamy

Abstract :

 Context: The infrahyoid muscles are innervated by anches arising from the loop of ansa cervicalis. Any injury to these muscles would cause disturbance in phonation. Anatomy of ansa cervicalis has recently gained popularity because of its use in surgical procedures like reinnervation of paralyzed larynx. This warrants a revisit to the variations in its formation, course and distribution. With the present study we aim to document anatomical variations of ansa cervicalis.

Methods and Material: Head and neck of 15 formalin fixed cadavers were dissected bilaterally according to standard dissection procedures in the Department of Anatomy, Mahatma Gandhi Medical College, Puducherry. The ansa cervicalis was identified. Its roots were traced to the origin and their anches till termination on the infrahyoid muscles. Any variations were identified and documented.

Results: Significant variations were noted in 4 of them. The variations ranged from short loop formation to no loop formation at all.  

Conclusions: In the present study variations in formation and distribution of ansa cervicalis was observed in 26.6 % of cadavers. This implies that the variations are quite frequent.

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Arthi Ganapathy, Prabavathy Gajendran, Raghuram Kuppusamy, The ansa cervicalis: variations and applied significance, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-6 | Issue-9 | September-2017

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