Volume : VII, Issue : I, January - 2018

Theoretical and Conceptual Framework: Mandatory Ingredients of a Quality Research

Dickson Adom, Emad Kamil Hussein, Joe Adu Agyem

Abstract :


Theoretical and conceptual frameworks guide the paths of a research and offer the foundation for establishing its credibility. Though these terms seem similar, they are different from each other in concept and in their roles in the research inquiry. However, many students find it difficult and confusing to distinguish between these two closely related frameworks while defining their roles in their research. Yet, the inclusion of a theoretical and/or conceptual framework is a mandatory requirement in a thesis or dissertation that shows the student’s map of the research s/he seeks to undertake. A good comprehension of both frameworks would inure to a good investigation. This article explains the meanings of the terms, their importance in the research process, their difference and similarities while offering insightful suggestions on how they can be constructed and utilized for a particular research.

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Dickson Adom, Emad Kamil Hussein, Joe Adu Agyem, Theoretical and Conceptual Framework: Mandatory Ingredients of a Quality Research, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-1 | January-2018

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