Volume : VII, Issue : VIII, August - 2018

Total Edge Irregularity Strength Of Generalized Uniform Theta Graph

Indra Rajasingh, Teresa Arockiamary Santiago

Abstract :

Given a graph G(V,E) a labeling ∂:VE→{1,2,...,k} is called an edge irregular total k– labeling if for every pair of distinct edges uv and xy, ∂(u)+∂(uv)+∂(v ) ≠ ∂(x)+∂(xy)+∂(y). The minimum k for which G has an edge irregular total k–labeling is called the total edge irregularity strength of G. The total edge irregular strength of G is denoted by tes(G). In this paper we consider uniform theta graph and prove that it is total edge irregular. We also discuss its bound.

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Indra Rajasingh, Teresa Arockiamary Santiago, Total Edge Irregularity Strength Of Generalized Uniform Theta Graph, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-8 | August-2018

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