Volume : V, Issue : IX, September - 2016

Variation of Vermicompost Quality Produced by Different Earthworm species using Rural and Urban Garbage

Bishnu Goswami, Tanushri Mondal, Nirupama Goswami, Jagatpati Tah

Abstract :

 Vermicompost took place its own position in crop cultivation by modern scientific concept. Three different earthworm species namely (i) Eisenia foetidaee, (ii) Eudrillus euginae and (iii) Pheretima posthuma were collected from PallaviVermi Farm, Saraitikar Road, Burdwan, West Bengal and allowed to grow in separate vat containing urban and rural garbage. The percentage of nitrogen, phosphate and potash were measured in seven days’ interval taking vermicompost from each and every earthworm experimental vat. Uniform numbers of earthworms were released initially in each vat and the cocoons were counted in every week. Graphical representation of each vermi species was plotted against duration and compost quantity. The remarkable variations of results were observed which have been cited in this experiment.

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BISHNU GOSWAMI, TANUSHRI MONDAL, NIRUPAMA GOSWAMI, JAGATPATI TAH Variation of Vermicompost Quality Produced by Different Earthworm species using Rural and Urban Garbage International Journal of Scientific Research,Volume : 5 | Issue : 9 |September 2016

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