Volume : VI, Issue : II, February - 2017

Variations in Talar Articular Facets of Calcaneum in UP Region and its Clinical Correlation

Dr Surendra Pratap, Dr Jyoti Chopra, Dr Anita Rani

Abstract :

 Introduction: On superior surface of calcaneum generally three articular facets are present, anterior middle and posterior. These facet shows variations in different geographical regions.  Aim of this study:  To find out prevalence of different types of talar articular facet configuration in UP region. Material and Methods: This study was conducted on 1000 calcanei (500 left, 500 rights) obtained from the osteology section of Department of Anatomy, KGMU, Lucknow. Calcanei were observed for different talar articular facets on superior surface. Bones were classified as type A if all three facets were separate; Type B if anterior and middle facet were fused; Type C if all three facets were fused and Type D if anterior facet was absent. Results: In present study the prevalence of Type A calcaneum was observed 21.7% , type B 74.5%, type C 0.6% and type D 3.2%. Bones were also studied for difference in morphological types on left and right side and we found that there was no significant difference in left vs. right ( p value=0.558). Conclusion: This study shows that type B calcaneum (fused anterior and middle facet) is the   most prevalent type of calcaneum in UP region. Many studies have shown that persons with type B calcaneum are prone to joint instability, ligamentous laxity and development of arthritic changes in subtalar joint.

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Dr Surendra Pratap, Dr Jyoti Chopra, Dr Anita Rani, Variations in Talar Articular Facets of Calcaneum in UP Region and its Clinical Correlation, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : VOLUME-6 | ISSUE-2 | FEBRUARY-2017

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