Volume : VI, Issue : IX, September - 2016

A comparative study of birth weight with reference to socioeconomic and demographic factors among mothers in an urban slum of Mumbai.

Dr. Vishal M. Patil, Dr. Prashil P. Jumade, Dr. R. N. Kulkarni, Dr S. R. Suryawanshi

Abstract :

 Low Birth Weight (LBW) is an important indicator of Reproductive health and general health status of population. Objective was to study socioeconomic and demographic factors associated with low birth weight. It was Case control study conducted at cheetah camp urban slum during the period of January 2013 to December 2013 involving 260 cases and 260 controls. Out of total 520 mothers 52.5% mothers were 20 to 25 years of age, 30.4% mothers of LBW babies were illiterate, 60.4% mothers of LBW babies belonged to Class IV. Majority 85% of mothers were housewives, 71.2% mothers lived in Nuclear family. Majority of the subjects were Muslims 76.3%. Age of Mother, maternal education, type of family were significantly associated with low birth weight.

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Dr. Vishal M. Patil, Dr. Prashil P. Jumade, Dr. R.N.Kulkarni, Dr S. R. Suryawanshi A comparative study of birth weight with reference to socioeconomic and demographic factors among mothers in an urban slum of Mumbai. Indian Journal of Applied Research,Volume : 6 | Issue : 9 | September 2016

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