Volume : I, Issue : V, February - 2012

A Study On Impact Of Unionism On Industrial Relations In Manufacturing Sector

Jaya Ahuja

Abstract :

Trade unions in India emerged due to the exploitation faced by the workers in the early industrialization phase. After globalization, the meaning, nature and the objective of the trade unions have changed. Trade unions are and will always be an important linking pin between the management and workers to maintain harmonious industrial relations. This study tries to investigate the impact of unionism on Industrial relations in India. Analysis is done using Multiple Regression technique to identify the impact. The results identified different parameters of the questionnaire on trade unions on industrial relations. Parameters like unity and coordination, employee welfare, nature of trade unions, competency of trade unions, management relations, workers empowerment, support from top management have a positive impact on overall harmonious industrial relations whereas other parameters like inter conflict among unions, political influence have a negative impact on overall harmonious industrial relations.  

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Jaya Ahuja A Study On Impact Of Unionism On Industrial Relations In Manufacturing Sector Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.I, Issue.V February 2012

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