Volume : I, Issue : V, February - 2012
A Study on Work Stress in Women Employees In Coimbatore District
R. Maheswari, N. Brindha
Abstract :
Modern life is full of stress on individuals ranges from personal life to the organization activities. Stress is natural word, the term “distress” has negative connotations indicating that the individual is exposed to noxious stimuli and the term “eustress” has a positive meaning attached to it including a sense of euphoria. Urbanisation, industrialization and increase in the scale of operations in the society cause increasing the stress in changing environment, participation, transaction, planning and regulation between the key issues. Our interviews indicated that for the occupational mental health of working women, the establishment of modified and supportive interpersonal relations within workplace environments may be required because of the gender roles expected of women in a male–dominant socio culture.
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DOI : 10.36106/ijar
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R. Maheswari, N. Brindha A Study on Work Stress in Women Employees In Coimbatore District Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.I, Issue.V February 2012
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R. Maheswari, N. Brindha A Study on Work Stress in Women Employees In Coimbatore District Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.I, Issue.V February 2012
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