Volume : VI, Issue : II, February - 2016


Mrs. Anagha. V. Katti, Prof. Mrs. Vaishali. R. Mohite, Mrs. Manda Phuke, Mrs. Namrata. C. Mohite

Abstract :

 Swine flu is an infectious disease caused by swine influenza virus. It is also called as pig flu, hog flu. It is a general term used for a variety of strains of influenza virus commonly found in pigs and people who have frequent close contact with pigs such as, farmers or veterinarians may catch a strain of the swine flu from pigs.1 In Maharashtra 4826 cases and 440 deaths occurred. This shows that total affected cases in India were 34220 and deaths were 2115. With regard to above data there is urgent need to take steps to make people aware regarding swine flu, treatment and management. Aim& Objectives:1) To assess the level of knowledge regarding prevention of swine flu among rural population.2) To determine the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding prevention of swine flu among rural population.3) To find out the association between knowledge score of adults with selected demographic variables. Material & Methods: A quasi experimental one group pre test and post test was adopted in the present study to accomplish the objectives. Simple Random sampling technique was used to select samples consists of 60 adults. The pre test assessment of knowledge of the adults was carried out using the structured knowledge questionnaires followed by ST P session regarding swine flu. After 7 days the post test was conducted using the same structured knowledge questionnaires. The collected data was analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics. Result: Table reveals that in pre–test 3 ( 5%) adult are had poor knowledge, the majority 42(25%) had average knowledge and 15( 70%) had good knowledge regarding swine flu Where as in post–test majority 20(33%) adult had average knowledge, 35 (58%) had good knowledge and 5(8%) adult had poor knowledge regarding swine flu . Table reveals that in pre–test 2 ( 3.33%) adults are having poor knowledge, the majority 32(53.33%%) had average knowledge and 26 ( 43.33%) had good knowledge regarding treatment of swine flu where as in post–test majority 33(55%) adult had average knowledge, 19(32 %) had good knowledge and 8 (13%) student had poor knowledge regarding treatment of swine flu. Table reveals that in pre–test 7 ( 11.6 %) student are had poor knowledge, the majority 43(71.6%) had average knowledge and 10( 17%) had good knowledge regarding prevention of swine flu Where as in post–test majority 30(50 %) adults had average knowledge, 23 (38.3%) had good knowledge and 7 ( 12%) adult had poor knowledge regarding prevention of swine flu . Conclusion: The study concluded that there is a strong need to create awareness amongst the subjects regarding swine flu, treatment and prevention through IEC activities.

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Mrs.Anagha.V.Katti, Prof.Mrs.Vaishali.R.Mohite, Mrs. Manda Phuke, Mrs.Namrata.C.Mohite A Study to Assess The Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme (Stp) on Knowledge Regarding Prevention of Swine Flu Among Rural Population of Kale, Karad Taluka.” Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 2 February 2016

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