Volume : VII, Issue : VII, July - 2017


Dr. Kanupriya Gupta

Abstract :

 Adenomatoid odontogenic tumour is a benign (hamartomatous), noninvasive lesion with slow but progressive growth. The 3 variants — follicular, extrafollicular and peripheral — present with identical histological findings. AOT accounts for about 1% until 9% of all  odontogenic tumors. It is predominantly found in young and female patients, located more often in the maxilla in most cases associated with an uneruppted permanent tooth. For radiological

diagnose the intraoral periapical radiograph seems to be more useful than panoramic. However, AOT frequently resemble other odontogenic lesions such as dentigerous cysts or ameloblastoma. Immunohistochemically AOT is characterized by positive reactions with certain cytokeratins. Treatment is conservative and the prognosis is excellent.

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Dr. Kanupriya Gupta, ADENOMATOID ODONTOGENIC TUMOUR –Review of literature, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume‾7 | Issue‾7 | July‾2017

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