Volume : I, Issue : V, February - 2012

An Approach For Information Retrieval For Bookstores Using Formal Ontology

Sumit Jain, C. S. Bhatia

Abstract :

A journal is a periodical review publication proposed to publish the progress of technology, usually by reporting new research and their results. Scholars have many questions regarding the type of new research, their methodology, type of new application to be used, Formal ontology is the building block of the semantic web. Earlier research on ontology design methodologies shows that manual construction of ontology is a complex process and it is very difficult for a designer to develop a consistent ontology. Our main goal is to design such system where scholar can get enough information on the query he raised. Scholar will give the input query and list of match information result will generate from the web database in specific domain which contain group of documents.  

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Sumit Jain, C.S.Bhatia An Approach For Information Retrieval For Bookstores Using Formal Ontology Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.I, Issue.V February 2012

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