Volume : VIII, Issue : II, February - 2018

Attitude of Secondary School Teachers towards Inclusive education in relation to their Management and Marital status

Dr. K. Laxmi Prasad

Abstract :


Education is a critical input for developing the manpower and a   very   significant   factor   for   achieving    rapid   economic   and technological progress. The Right to Education  Act implies that every child has a right to get education in order to achieve  fundamentals  of survival, development, health and nutrition,  access to information, to acquire knowledge  and to  improve  the  quality  of his/her  life. The Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan  (SSA)  is the New initiative of the Govt of India for achieving the objective of  "Education  for all".  As part of education for all mission the focus is also laid on the inclusive education.The objective of the  present investigation is to study the  influence of management and marital status on the attitude of secondary school teachers towards inclusive education. A five point Attitude scale developed by Raghava, R (2014) was used for the present study. A sample of 120 secondary school teachers representing all categories of secondary schools in Chittoor District were included in the study.The data was analysed using‘t’ test. The results revealed that Management and marital status have influenced the attitude of secondary school teachers towards inclusive education.

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Dr. K. Laxmi Prasad, Attitude of Secondary School Teachers towards Inclusive education in relation to their Management and Marital status, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-2 | February-2018

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