Volume : I, Issue : V, February - 2012

Augmentation of India's Foreign Exchange Reserve: An Analysis

Dr. S P. Mathiraj, Ar. Annadurai

Abstract :

The foreign exchange reserves comprise three stuff; gold, SDRs and foreign currency assets. As of November, 2011 India has over US $ 10,386 million of total reserves, foreign currency assets account the major share. Gold accounts for about US $ 5,228 million. In July 1991, as a part of reserve management policy, and as a means of raising resources, the RBI temporarily pledged gold to raise loans. The gold holdings thus have played a crucial role of reserve management at a time of external crisis. Since then, Gold has played passive role in reserve management. Hence, the present study entitled, Augmentation of Indias Foreign Exchange Reserves.  

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Dr.S P.Mathiraj, Ar.Annadurai Augmentation of India's Foreign Exchange Reserve: An Analysis Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.I, Issue.V February 2012

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