Volume : IX, Issue : III, March - 2019


Dr. D. Mohanty, Dr Vallur Sujitha Reddy, Dr. S. Jaya Sandeep, Dr. Liju Rajan

Abstract :

A 22 years old female presented to our OPD with complaints of swelling in the left post aural area since1month, associated with pain.Previous episode of ear discharge was present.No history of trauma,hard of heå,aural fullness.No history of any surgeries.On examination there was a diffuse,tender,fluctuant swelling seen in the left post aural area.There was a smooth polypoidal mass filling the left external auditory canal which is insensitive to touch,did not bleed on touch,probe can be passed all around except posteriorly and superiorly.Tympanic memane not visualized.Facial nerve function was normal.Computed tomography scan of temporal bone shows soft tissue density involving external auditory canal,middle ear cavity,mastoid air cells with adjacent bone thinning and erosions.Incision and drainage was done for left post aural abscess followed by modified radical mastoidectomy with ossiculoplasty in another sitting.Granulations tissue was sent for Histopathological examination.Histopathological examination showed tuberculous granulation tissue.Patient was started on antitubercular treatment.Patient was under follow up.

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CASE REPORT:UNUSUAL PRESENTATION OF TUBERCULAR OTITIS MEDIA, Dr.D.Mohanty, Dr Vallur Sujitha Reddy, Dr.S.Jaya Sandeep, Dr.Liju Rajan INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-9 | Issue-3 | March-2019

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