Volume : VIII, Issue : III, March - 2018

Comparative analysis of Effect of practice of Yoga, dietary control and low dose Atorvastatin on serum LDL in newly diagnosed young Dyslipidemia patients

Dr. Abha Gupta, Dr. Pansy Lyall

Abstract :


With changing lifestyle, physical inactivity & dietary habits globally, persons are facing dyslipidemia at relatively younger age. The causal relation between hypercholesterolemia and atherosclerosis was established more than 80 years ago by Anitschkow.1 Since the 1950s, there have been steady improvements in our ability to treat hypercholesterolemia through diet and the use of lipid–lowering drugs. Of all the forms of cholesterol in the blood, the LDL–C is considered the most important form in determining risk of heart disease. It is considered to be undesirable and is often call "bad" cholesterol because it deposits excess cholesterol in blood vessel walls and contributes to hardening of the arteries and heart disease. The earliest angiographic and clinical studies demonstrated that intensive therapy to lower low–density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL–C) levels slowed the progression of atherosclerosis and decreased the incidence of major coronary events 2, 3.  HMG Coenzyme reductase Inhibitors are most commonly prescribed drugs in lowering of serum LDL in dyslipidemia patients.  Those drugs have been associated with a beneficial impact on cardiovascular morbidities and mortality. As such, statins have become some of the most widely prescribed drugs in our country with many millions of patients taking them on a regular basis. Different oral hypolipedmic drugs available in basket of HMG Coenzyme Inhibitors are Atrovastatin, Rosuvastatin, Simavastatin etc. Atrovastatin is one of most commonly prescribed medicine for lowering serum LDL levels. However reports are coming of developing resistance or non responsiveness to stastins4.

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Dr. Abha Gupta, Dr. Pansy Lyall, Comparative analysis of Effect of practice of Yoga, dietary control and low dose Atorvastatin on serum LDL in newly diagnosed young Dyslipidemia patients, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-3 | March-2018

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