Volume : VI, Issue : I, January - 2016

Core issues and challenges of Affordable Housing in India

Ms Deepti Pande Rana, Dr. Arun Kumar Rana

Abstract :

Urbanization is generating a massive housing shortage and the growth of slum conditions in India. This growing concentration of people in urban areas has led to problems of land shortage, housing shortfall and congested transit and has also severely stressed the existing basic amenities such as water, power and open spaces of the towns and cities. This is primarily due to the skyrocketing prices of land and real estate in urban areas. Development of large–scale affordable housing is the greatest necessity of urban India today. The objective of creating affordable housing is to provide adequate Affordable Housing shelter to all. Creation of affordable housing should encompass both – enabling people to buy and to rent, for which there is a need to put an institutional structure in place. While the concept of affordable housing seems to be a simple solution to current housing woes, its execution remains complicated due to the unclear policy framework. To make affordable housing work in India, it would require “will” from all the stakeholders by slightly adjusting their interests towards a wider social cause.

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Ms Deepti Pande Rana, Dr. Arun Kumar Rana Core Issues and Challenges of Affordable Housing in India Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 1 January 2016

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