Volume : I, Issue : V, February - 2012

Employee Attrition And Retention In Private Insurance Sector A HRM Challenge

Dr. J. Senthil Vel Murugan, S. Bala Murugan

Abstract :

In the best of worlds, employees would love their jobs, like their coworkers, work hard for their employers, get paid well for their work, have ample chances for advancement, and flexible schedules so they could attend to personal or family needs when necessary. And never leave. But then theres the real world. And in the real world, employees, do leave, either because they want more money, hate the working conditions, hate their coworkers, want a change, or because their spouse gets a dream job in another state. So, what does that entire turnover cost? And what employees are likely to have the highest turnover? Who is likely to stay the longest? Although employee turnover can help organizations evolve and change, an American Management Association survey showed that four out of five CEOs view employee retention as a serious issue for organizational success. If managers know the real causes of attrition, managers can control attrition and retain employees. Each retained employee can save money and lead to better opportunities.  

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Dr. J. Senthil Vel Murugan, S.Bala Murugan Employee Attrition And Retention In Private Insurance Sector A HRM Challenge Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.I, Issue.V February 2012

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