Volume : IX, Issue : III, March - 2019
Evaluation of gallbladder diseases using ultrasonography
Abdullah Hamdan, Nasraldeen Alnaeem Alkhidir, Abdelmoneim Saeed
Abstract :
Patients who have gallbladder disease may commonly present with acute right upper quadrant pain, nausea or vomiting, mid–epigastric pain, and/or jaundice. Etiologies include inflammation with or without infection, noninflammatory disorders, and benign or malignant neoplasms of the gallbladder or bile ducts. Ultrasound (US) is now accepted as the initial imaging modality of choice for the work–up of suspected gallbladder disease. A retrospective study was carried out at King Fahad Hospital (KFH) and Buraidah Central Hospital, to discuss the protocol of ultrasound scanning in demonstrating incidence and complication of Gall–bladder (GB) pathologies. Known cases of GB pathologies (150 patients) were surveyed by ultrasound using spatial digital iU22 Philips Convex probe 3.5 MHz. All patients were evaluated with ultrasonogphy following the international scanning guidelines and protocols. The age of the patients is between (26 – 89) years, 76 Patients (50.60%) were males and 74 patients (49.40%) were females. Range of age group of accumulation for gallstone presence was (26 – 58) years and most common in females than males. Incidence of gallstone are 88% (58.7%) patients (female 34.7% and 24% male). And ratio of incidence is between female to males 13:9. Other pathologies of gallbladder were found to be cholecystities 16.60%, polyp with sludge 16.60%, benign tumor 1.30%, normal 6.70% Ultransonography is a single imaging modality sufficient for evaluation of patient with suspected gallbladder pathologies which can provide information about the presence of gallstone and more over about site and cause of biliary tract obstruction. Ultrasound is highly sensitive and specific means for diagnosis of the gallbladder stones. Sensitivity and specificity of ultrasound in evaluation of gallstones high (97.7%,95. 6%) respectively. Confirmation of gallbladder stones in this study is done by cholecystectomy and CT scan
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DOI : 10.36106/ijar
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EVALUATION OF GALLBLADDER DISEASES USING ULTRASONOGRAPHY, Abdullah Hamdan, Nasraldeen Alnaeem Alkhidir, Abdelmoneim Saeed INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-9 | Issue-3 | March-2019
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EVALUATION OF GALLBLADDER DISEASES USING ULTRASONOGRAPHY, Abdullah Hamdan, Nasraldeen Alnaeem Alkhidir, Abdelmoneim Saeed INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-9 | Issue-3 | March-2019
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