Volume : IV, Issue : X, October - 2014

Evaluation of Release of Chlorine When Sodium Hypochlorite is Used With Iopamidol and Iomeprol Dye–an Invitro Study

Dr. Chitharanjan Shetty, Dr. Aditya Shetty, Dr. Nevil Mathews, Prof Dr . Ganesh T. Bhat, Prof Dr . Mithra N. Hegde, Prof Dr . Shishir Shetty

Abstract :

Chlorine–releasing agents like Sodium Hypochlorite has established itself as an excellent intracanal irrigant due to its antimicrobial and proteolytic properties which is used in concentrations ranging from 0.5% to 5.25%. Contrast media dyes have been used to enhance the visualization of the root canal system and to better understand the root canal anatomy. In this study we have evaluated the amount of release of Chlorine when 3% Sodium hypochlorite was used with Iopamidol and Iomeprol root canal detecting dyes. 3 % Sodium Hypochlorite was subjected to a physiochemical test and comparisons were made using One way anova . Multiple comparisons were made using Bonferroni’s correction. 3%Sodium Hypochlorite when used with Iopamidol , the release of chlorine was minimal but Iomeprol showed a favorable increase in chlorine . In conclusion, Iomeprol is more effective in combination with Naocl and can be used to interpret the root canal anatomy of a population that requires endodontic treatment.

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Dr. Chitharanjan Shetty,Dr. Aditya Shetty,Dr. Nevil Mathews,Prof(Dr). Ganesh T. Bhat,Prof(Dr). Mithra N. Hegde,Prof(Dr). Shishir Shetty Evaluation of Release of Chlorine When Sodium Hypochlorite is Used With Iopamidol and Iomeprol Dye‾an Invitro Study Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue : 10 October 2014

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