Volume : I, Issue : V, February - 2012

Films A Techno Literary Art Form

Dr. Dipti Mehta

Abstract :

From the beginning of the immemorial time “Man” has been trying to find different ways and means to communicate with his fellow beings. He used gestures, sounds, drawing, painting,. woodcarving, stone inscription, and sculptures to express their intuitions and exchange of perception and information as a mode of communicating his thoughts to others. He developed speech, song, drama and dance as communicating media for his inner thoughts. The end of the 18th Century gave him a new medium, the motion picture. The arrival of the silent movie picture on the scene gave man the strongest and most powerful medium of communication and the most effective form of story–telling, which has in fact been replaced by films. “A literary composition that tells a story, usually of human conflict, by means of dialogue and action, to be performed on stage by actors.” In the present age, the current scenario is again back with the original form which is called action or drama or in a world of other audio visual media such as film, television, radio and multimedia.  

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Dr. Dipti Mehta Films A Techno Literary Art Form Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.I, Issue.V February 2012

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