Volume : III, Issue : XI, November - 2013

Household Preferences for Residential Location: Case of Pune Municipal Corporation Limits

Prof. Parag Govardhan Narkhede, Prof. Dr. Milind V. Telang

Abstract :

The present study explores the responsiveness of various factors which are significant in selecting Residential Location within the Pune city and estimate their relative influence on the choice probability. The Current and Future Household preferences were chosen for the above study. The Spearmans rank correlation method was used for exploring the relationship between preferences made for residential location. The results highlight that residential location decision is relatively sensitive to the Budget, Location and least sensitive to Community factor. Also, from the growth and investment perspective, regions that have high concentration of business activity at present and good Infrastructure – Amenities will have a comparative advantage over other regions that have saturated on this.

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Prof. Parag Govardhan Narkhede, Prof. Dr. Milind V.Telang / Household Preferences for Residential Location: Case of Pune Municipal Corporation Limits / Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.3, Issue.11 November 2013

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