Volume : I, Issue : V, February - 2012

Hydrogeologic Settings of the North and South Brahmaputra Plains in Upper Assam: A Comparative Study

Dr. Uttam Goswami

Abstract :

A comparative study of the hydrogeologic characteristics of the water beå formations occurring in the North and South Brahmaputra Plains in Assam, comprising parts of Dhemaji and Lakhimpur districts in the North Bank, and Diugarh and Tinsukia districts in the South Bank areas, has been carried out. The unconsolidated alluvial sediments are primarily composed of sands of various grade and gravel with minor amount of silt and clay. Thickness of granular zones mostly varies from 80% to 100% and 63% to 92%.in the North and South Brahmaputra Plains respectively. In the northern plains, ground water mostly occurs under unconfined to semi–confined conditions, while the single aquifer zone in southern plains gets locally dissipated into multiple aquifer zones forming semi–confined to confined aquifers.

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Dr. Uttam Goswami Hydrogeologic Settings of the North and South Brahmaputra Plains in Upper Assam: A Comparative Study Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.I, Issue.V February 2012

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