Volume : I, Issue : V, February - 2012

Impact Of Holistic Nutrition Education Package On Diabetes Mellitus Control In Middle Aged Women

Dr. Anjali Rajwade

Abstract :

Diabetes mellitus (DM) adversely affects health in middle aged men. DM is a aggravated by nutritional imbalance, lack of exercise and absence of focused approach. The objectives of the present study were, to prepare a holistic nutrition education package (HNEP) for DM and to assess its impact in DM control in middle aged women (MAW). A HNEP for DM was designed. A study sample of 60 MAW with noninsulin dependent diabetes (NIDDM) and having Glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c/GHb) more than 7 was selected. Data about dietary practices, exercise, BMI, focused approach was collected before and after HNEP administration. Education session was repeated.HbA1c levels were reassessed at 4 months and 6 months. Assessment at the end of 6 months revealed that,food intake as per Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) improved from 20.00% to 96.67% and fatty food consumption decreased from 91.67% to 15.00%. Regular exercise regime adoption improved from 6.67% to 67.67% due to HNEP. BMI assessment showed significant reduction in overweight category from 53.33% to 30.00%. Blood test for GHb level revealed that 23.33% respondents achieved normal levels at the end of 4 months and 50.00% achieved normal level at the end of 6 months of HNEP application. 100% respondents agreed that the trio of diet + exercise + determination is the main determinant of diabetes control. HNEP has a positive, wide ranging and sustainable impact in DM control.  

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Dr. Anjali Rajwade Impact Of Holistic Nutrition Education Package On Diabetes Mellitus Control In Middle Aged Women Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.I, Issue.V February 2012

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