Volume : III, Issue : XII, December - 2013

Impact of Infection with Toxocara Canis on Human Health Status

Doina Adina Todea, Iuliu Suatean, Andreea Codruta Coman, Loredana Elena Rosca

Abstract :

Toxocara canis is an ascardid nematod which causes human toxocariasis when human host is infected by ascarid larvae, by ingesting emyonated eggs excreted in dog feces, from contaminated sources, larvae from undercooked giblets, dirty hands or raw vegetables. Nowadays, human toxocariasis challenge several different syndromes: capuslated toxocariasis, ocular larva migrans, visceral larva migrans, neurological toxocariasis and also covert toxocariasis. We present a clinical case which presented in our department, of whom imunological and inflamatory analysis were inconclusive, but clinical symptoms and computer tomography scan imaging have led us to suspect an human toxocariasis with pulmonary and ocular involvement. This case report highlights the impact of a zoonosis on human health and force the clinician to suspect this diagnosis and the public health policies to protect humans by toxocara canis infection.  

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Doina Adina Todea, Iuliu Suatean, Andreea Codruta Coman, Loredana Elena Rosca Impact of Infection with Toxocara Canis on Human Health Status Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.XII Dec 2013

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