Volume : IV, Issue : XII, December - 2014

Impact of the Education on Scheduled Castes: a Case Study of Hubli, Karnataka

Dr. Kirthi F. Chapparamani, Dr. Dhruva B. Jyothi

Abstract :

Education aims at inging about changes among the individuals (attitudinal and behavioural). It is a significant institution and a process of socialization. Education is concerned in the development of individual’s personality. It helps to build his/her career and makes them to take right decisions. It realizes them the difference between right and wrong. The purpose of the research study is to highlight the importance of education, educational level of respondents and modernization’s impact on the education of Scheduled castes. Both male and female respondents are taken into consideration as sample. Sample of 50 respondents are selected on the basis of random sampling method. The study is conducted in Hubli city, Dharwad district Karnataka.

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Dr. Kirthi F.Chapparamani,Dr. Dhruva B.Jyothi Impact of the Education on Scheduled Castes: a Case Study of Hubli, Karnataka Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue : 12 December 2014

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