Volume : I, Issue : V, February - 2012

Improved Approaches to Coreference Resolution in Machine Learning

Kuldeep Singh Raghuwanshi, Ashwini Kumar Verma

Abstract :

We present a noun phrase coreference system that extends the work of Soon et al. (2001) and, to our knowledge, produces the best results to date on the MUC–6 and MUC–7 coreference resolution datasets F–measures of 70.4 and 63.4, respectively. Improvements arise from two sources: extralinguistic changes to the learning framework and a large–scale expansion of the feature set to include more sophisticated linguistic knowledge.

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Kuldeep Singh Raghuwanshi, Ashwini Kumar Verma Improved Approaches to Coreference Resolution in Machine Learning Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.I, Issue.V February 2012

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