Volume : I, Issue : V, February - 2012
India And China: Economic Reforms And WTO
Dr. Surinder Kumar Singla, Dr. Kulwinder Singh
Abstract :
India began relaxing its rigidly controlled economy in a piecemeal fashion in the later part of 1980s, but its significant opening to the world economy and deeper domestic reforms did not begin until the severe macro–economic crisis of 1991. On the other side, China began its economic reforms and opening up to the world economy in 1978. With the experience of economic reforms and globalisation for nearly eighteen years in India, and thirty years in China, much more information and critical analyses have become available. India is the founding member of GATT/WTO, while China has joined WTO recently (i.e. on 11 December 2001). Chinas entry into the WTO offered many opportunities and challenges for the Indian economy. The present paper has been divided into two oad sections. First section analyses the various impacts of economic reforms, undertaken by India and China, on their economic development. Second section examines the implications of Chinas entry into the WTO for the Indian economy
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DOI : 10.36106/ijar
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Dr. Surinder Kumar Singla, Dr. Kulwinder Singh India And China: Economic Reforms And WTO Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.I, Issue.V February 2012
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Dr. Surinder Kumar Singla, Dr. Kulwinder Singh India And China: Economic Reforms And WTO Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.I, Issue.V February 2012
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