Volume : IX, Issue : III, March - 2019
Dr. Akansha Yadav, Dr. Haritosh. K. Velankar, Dr. Cassandra Carvalho, Dr. Apoorva Salguti, Dr. Yogesh. G. Dabholkar
Abstract :
Laryngocele is a rare condition characterized by cystic dilatation of laryngeal saccule. It may be asymptomatic in a majority of patients. It could present with neck swelling, hoarseness, cough reflex, and stridor. It is classified into internal, external and mixed type. This is a report of a case of mixed laryngocele diagnosed by CT scan in a patient referred for investigation with a history of palpable cervical mass in cervical region apparent only in the presence of an infection. This case report is made to create awareness with regard to diagnosis and management of a laryngocele.
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DOI : 10.36106/ijar
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INTERMITTENT LUMP IN THE NECK-LARYNGOCELE, AN UNUSUAL PRESENTATION., Dr. Akansha Yadav, Dr. Haritosh.K.Velankar, Dr.Cassandra Carvalho, Dr. Apoorva Salguti, Dr. Yogesh.G.Dabholkar INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-9 | Issue-3 | March-2019
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INTERMITTENT LUMP IN THE NECK-LARYNGOCELE, AN UNUSUAL PRESENTATION., Dr. Akansha Yadav, Dr. Haritosh.K.Velankar, Dr.Cassandra Carvalho, Dr. Apoorva Salguti, Dr. Yogesh.G.Dabholkar INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-9 | Issue-3 | March-2019
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