Volume : I, Issue : V, February - 2012

Large Adult Sacrococcygeal Teratoma: A Case Report And Review Of Literature.

Dr. P A Yavalkar, Dr. A M Naik.

Abstract :

Sacrococcygeal teratomas (SCT) are neoplasm containing tissue derived from more than one primitive germ layer and its cause remains unknown. They (SCT) is one of the most common tumours in infants, but are rare in adults.The incidence inneonates is 1 in 40000 with a female to male ratio of 1 2 10:1 . It is rare in adults with less than a hundred cases being documented in the literature .Most of the sacrococcygeal tumours are cystic and benign with 12% being malignant. Treatment consistsof early complete surgical resection, as it has the potential for malignant transformation which increase with 3 age . We present a case of a large adult sacrococcygeal teratoma in an female and review of its literature. The clinical features, radiological findings and outcome are described.  

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Dr. P A Yavalkar, Dr. A M Naik. Large Adult Sacrococcygeal Teratoma: A Case Report And Review Of Literature. Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.I, Issue.V February 2012

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