Volume : IX, Issue : I, January - 2019

Medullary carcinoma of thyroid- rare case report

Dr. Mahendra Singh, Dr. Ritika Srivastava, Dr. Vandana Mishra, Dr. Lubna Khan

Abstract :

Medullary carcinoma accounts for about 5–10% of all the thyroid neoplasms. They arise from Parafollicular cells or C cells of thyroid. 70% of the cases arise sporadically while remaining 30% occurs in the setting of MEN syndrome 2A or 2B. Here we present a case report of a 40 year old male who presented with anterior neck swelling measuring about 2x2 cm in dimension.

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MEDULLARY CARCINOMA OF THYROID- RARE CASE REPORT, Dr. Mahendra Singh, Dr. Ritika Srivastava, Dr. Vandana Mishra, Dr. Lubna Khan INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-9 | Issue-1 | January-2019

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