Volume : I, Issue : V, February - 2012

Microcontroller Driven RGB Led System For Tristimulus Surface Colorimetry

T. N. Ghorude, A. D. Shaligram

Abstract :

This paper reports a Microcontroller based RGB LED system for tristimulus surface colorimetry. The intensities of Red, Green and Blue LED sources are adjusted and controlled by using microcontroller. Corresponding light intensity from a reflecting surface is detected using photo detector. The care has been taken to normalize the response for the spectral characteristics of the photo detector. The reflectance for the colored surface is measured as ratio of reflected intensity to the emitted intensity. After knowing the reflectance for the three stimulation sources, these values are input to a program to calculate chromaticity coordinates. These chromaticity coordinates serve as the measure of surface color. The system has been tested for measuring the surface color of different craft papers and the chromaticity coordinates of the surface are also reported under different illuminated conditions.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijar  

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T. N. Ghorude, A. D. Shaligram Microcontroller Driven RGB Led System For Tristimulus Surface Colorimetry Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.I, Issue.V February 2012

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