Volume : VI, Issue : VII, July - 2016

Missed IAP (Indian academy of Paediatrics) Recommended Immunization opportunity among children in eastern odisha,India–A hospital based study.

Dr Dillip Kumar Dash, Dr M. D Mohanty, Dr Naresh Chandra Acharya

Abstract :

 â€śYou let a doctor take a dainty, helpless baby, and put that stuff from a cow, which has been scratched and had dirt rubbed into her wound, into that child. Even, the Jennerians now admit that infant vaccination spreads disease among children. More mites die from vaccination than from the disease they are supposed to be inoculated against.” (George Bernard Shaw, 1929). There is a great change in thinking long way since George Bernard Shaw fulminated against vaccination in the 1920s. Vaccines are now widely regarded as an effective and cheap tool for improving health. Children in all corners of world are routinely immunized against major diseases, and the practice has become a decisive part of global public health efforts. Immunization is one of the most cost effective public health interventions and largely responsible for reduction of under–5 mortality rate. However, vaccine preventable diseases (VPDs) are still responsible for over 5 lakh deaths annually in India [4] .This underlines the need of further improvement. Today, India is a leading producer and exporter of vaccines, still the country is home to one–third of the world’s unimmunized children. There are a number of reasons why India lags behind its many less developed neighbour’s in vaccination rates. They include huge population with relatively high growth rate, geographical diversity and some hard to reach populations, lack of awareness regarding vaccination, inadequate delivery of health services, inadequate supervision and monitoring, lack of micro–planning and general lack of inter–sectorial coordination, and weak VPD surveillance system. In this article, we discuss IAP recommended vaccination coverage, socio–demographic obstacles associated with low vaccination uptake in eastern part of odisha, India. Limitation of the study was it is a hospital based study.

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Dr Dillip Kumar Dash, Dr M.D Mohanty, Dr Naresh Chandra acharya Missed IAP (Indian academy of Paediatrics) Recommended Immunization opportunity among children in eastern odisha,India–A hospital based study. Indian Journal of Applied Research,Volume : 6 | Issue : 7 | July 2016

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