Volume : VIII, Issue : XII, December - 2018

Non surgical management of intra oral sinus in mandibular canine with two canals and mandibular first premolar with two roots: A case report.

Dr. Manpreet Kaur, Dr. Navjot Singh Mann, Dr. Ashu Jhamb, Dr. Divya Batra, Dr. Kreena Rattu

Abstract :


The root canal morphology of teeth is more often highly complex and variable. Therefore, any attempt to perform successful endodontic treatment must be preceded with thorough and detailed knowledge of the root canal morphology and its possible variations.1 The majority of mandibular canines are single rooted with one root canal. The possibility of having two canals in mandibular canines is reported to be infrequent.2,3 Mandibular first premolars have also been typically described in literature as single–rooted with incidence of extra roots to be rarely present.4 This paper describes a case report on non surgical management of intra oral sinus with presence of two root canals in mandibular canine (Vertucci Type II) and two rooted mandibular first premolar (Vertucci Type IV) in same patient, which is a rare entity.

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Non surgical management of intra oral sinus in mandibular canine with two canals and mandibular first premolar with two roots: A case report. , Dr. Manpreet Kaur, Dr. Navjot Singh Mann, Dr. Ashu Jhamb, Dr. Divya Batra, Dr. Kreena Rattu , INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-12 | December-2018

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