Volume : I, Issue : V, February - 2012

Physical And Chemical Testing Of Compounded PVC

Sapna Dabade, Dr. Dheeraj Mandloi, Deepak Khare

Abstract :

PVC is a thermoplastic resin with a Glass Transition Temperature (Tg) of about 82°C [180°F] and a density of 1.38 g/cm3 [86.15 lb/ft3] that cannot be processed on its own due to its very low thermal stability and high melt viscosity. It is an amorphous linear molecule with small anches. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare an intermediate product where a variety of additives are mixed with the PVC resin to form a “dry–blend” that can be later melt–compounded or processed into a finished article. The unit operations present in the compounding of PVC involve delivering and storage of raw materials, feeding and spraying of all ingredients into a special mixer, mixing and heating the materials to create a dry–blend, then cooling and transferring the dry–blend to storage or to a conversion process such as molding, extrusion or calendå. Moisture content of raw PVC, sulphated ash content, water absorption behavior has been studied because these are important features that determine end use applications of compound PVC. Moisture analysis of Compounded PVC is carried in order to avoid splay marks on processing parts, loss on impact and loss of other properties. The tendency of PVC to absorb water cannot be overlooked since even the slightest amount of water can significantly alter some key mechanical, electrical or optical property. The sulfated ash content test is carried out to indicate the level of known metal–containing additives or impurities in compounded PVC. Chemical resistant testing of sample prepared is also done using different chemicals.  

Keywords :

PVC   Testing  

Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijar  

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Sapna Dabade, Dr. Dheeraj Mandloi, Deepak Khare Physical And Chemical Testing Of Compounded PVC Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.I, Issue.V February 2012

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