Volume : I, Issue : V, February - 2012
Pretreatment With Ephedrine For Prevention Of Pain Associated With Propofol Injection.
Dr. Kavita U Adate, Dr. Jyoti A. Solanki
Abstract :
Background: Aim of this double blind, randomized comparative study was to assess the efficacy and safety of ephedrine and lidocaine pretreatment after venous occlusion on the pain produced by IV injection of propofol. Methods: 90 patients of ASA I and II status scheduled for elective surgery under general anaesthesia were randomly allocated in three groups of 30 each using computer generated table of random numbers. Venous occlusion was made with tourniquet for one minute to nondominant hand which has secured IVline. The study drug , injection ephedrine 30μg/kg diluted with 0.9% NS up to 2 ml ( Group II , n=30 ) or 2% injection lidocaine 2ml (Group III , n=30 ) along with placebo0.9% NS 2 ml ( Group I , n=30) was administered over 5 seconds. There after venous occlusion was released after one minute and intravenous propofol was given. Pain was assessed by a four point verbal rating scale. Heart Rate and Mean Arterial Pressure(MAP) were recorded. Result: There was significant reduction in the incidence of pain associated with propofol administration in patients pretreated with ephedrine and lidocaine group (p0.05). There was significant decrease in MAP just before intubation in control and lidocaine group compare to ephedrine group. Conclusion we conclude that ephedrine and lidocaine are effective in reducing the incidence of pain during propofol injection.
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DOI : 10.36106/ijar
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Dr. Kavita U Adate, Dr. Jyoti A. Solanki Pretreatment With Ephedrine For Prevention Of Pain Associated With Propofol Injection. Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.I, Issue.V February 2012
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Dr. Kavita U Adate, Dr. Jyoti A. Solanki Pretreatment With Ephedrine For Prevention Of Pain Associated With Propofol Injection. Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.I, Issue.V February 2012
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