Volume : VI, Issue : IX, September - 2016

Prevalence of Malaria and Seasonal Variation of Plasmodium species in a Tertiary Care Hospital at Mumbai A Retrospective Study.

Chaya A. Kumar, Pritam J. Pardeshi, Anita Ramchandran, Dilip Turbadkar, Sujata Baveja

Abstract :

 Study is a record based retrospective study to determine the prevalence and seasonal variation of malaria with correlation to plasmodium species in 2014 & 2015. Patients presenting with clinical suspicion of malaria were tested for malaria by rapid malaria antigen detection test. The data was statistically analysed. The prevalence of malaria was 820/14637(5.6%) in 2014 and 561/18112(3.1%) in 2015. Maximum number of cases, 538/820(65.6%) in 2014 and 332/561(59.2%) in 2015 were seen from August to November with a peak in September. Males were predominantly affected. .Plasmodium vivax(76.2% in 2014 &80.4% in 2015) was the predominant species, followed by Plasmodium falciparum(18.8% in 2014 & 10.2% in 2015). Mixed infection cases accounted for 41/820(5%) in and 53/561(9.4%) cases in 2014 & 2015 respectively. A continual analysis of records of the demographics and prevalence of malaria will help in instituting prompt control measures as well plan future preventive control strategies.

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Chaya A. Kumar, Pritam J. Pardeshi, Anita Ramchandran, Dilip Turbadkar, Sujata Baveja Prevalence of Malaria and Seasonal Variation of Plasmodium species in a Tertiary Care Hospital at Mumbai A Retrospective Study. Indian Journal of Applied Research,Volume : 6 | Issue : 9 | September 2016

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