Volume : IX, Issue : III, March - 2019
Dr. M. Saritha Samuel, Dr. A. R. Chaitanya, Dr. G. Mallikarjuna Reddy, Dr. G. Sirisha Grace, Dr. K. Sailaja
Abstract :
Introduction: Pneumonia is the commonest respiratory infection with a significant morbidity and of mortality despite the availability of potent antibiotics .AIM– Study of bacteriological profile of community acquired pneumonia (CAP) in adults at kurnool medical college. Materials and Methods: Prospective observational study was conducted on 120 hospitalized patients diagnosed with CAP during Jan 2016–june 2018, after taking consent. Investigations like sputum culture, blood culture, antibiotic sensitivity test, chest–X–ray, LFT, RFT, CBP, RBS were done. After admission, empirical antibiotics were started and changed after obtaining antibiotic sensitivity pattern. Symptomatic treatment given as needed. Comorbid illness recorded and treated. Results: Among 120 patients,causuative agent was cultured in 85 patients. males–63, females–22.. Sputum culture was positive in 70.9% . In Sputum culture organisms isolated were klebsiella followed by streptococcus staphylococcus,pseudomonas,eschereria coli.. In our study organisms were sensitive to amoxyclav (81%), gentamicin (64%), amikacin (50%), fluoroquinolones (37%). Co–morbid conditions associated with CAP – smoking (43%), diabetes(22%), COPD(13%), Hypertension(4%). Out of 120 patients 97 recovered. Death occurred in 3 patients in which organisms were resistant to amoxyclav and were associated with co–morbid illness COPD and smoking. Conclusion: The most common age group affected were(48–57 years) , common organisms isolated were klebsiella– sensitive to amoxyclav, gentamicin, amikacin. Mortality is more in patients infected with resistant organisms and associated co–morbid diseases like COPD, diabetes. Knowledge about common pathogenic organism for CAP and their antibiotic sensitivity pattern helps in appropriate empirical treatment and better outcome.
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DOI : 10.36106/ijar
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PREVALENCE OF ORGANISMS OF COMMUNITY ACQUIRED PNEUMONIA AT KURNOOL MEDICAL COLLEGE, Dr.M.Saritha Samuel, Dr.A.R.Chaitanya, Dr. G.Mallikarjuna Reddy, Dr.G.Sirisha Grace, Dr.K. Sailaja INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-9 | Issue-3 | March-2019
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PREVALENCE OF ORGANISMS OF COMMUNITY ACQUIRED PNEUMONIA AT KURNOOL MEDICAL COLLEGE, Dr.M.Saritha Samuel, Dr.A.R.Chaitanya, Dr. G.Mallikarjuna Reddy, Dr.G.Sirisha Grace, Dr.K. Sailaja INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-9 | Issue-3 | March-2019
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