Volume : V, Issue : IV, April - 2015

Prevalence of Tuberculosis in Chronic Hepatitis C Patients

Abdelfattah M. Attallah, Camelia A. Abdel Malak, Mohamed M. Omran, Khaled Farid, Mohamed S. Albannan, Ahmed A. Attallah, Mahmoud A. Attia, Ragab A. Ibrahim, Ahmed M. El 45 Waseef

Abstract :

 Background: Little is known about the characteristics of tuberculosis (TB) in chronic hepatitis C (CHC). We 

aimed to investigate the co–infection between TB and HCV and estimating their common impact on progression rates of fiosis. Methods: A total of 558 individuals constituted this study (TB=126; CHC=322; Healthy=110).
Western–blot and ELISAwere used for identifying TB–55kDa and HCV–NS4 antigens.Results: A single immunoreactive 
band was shown at 55–kDa and 27–kDa corresponding to TB–55kDa and HCV–NS4, respectively, due to binding with 
their respective antibodies.TB–55kDa provided area under ROC curve (AUC) of 0.90 for identifying TB patients with 
sensitivity=82% and specificity=100% while HCV–NS4 provided AUC=0.96 for identifying HCV with sensitivity=97% and 
specificity=90%. TB–55kDa significantly correlated with the progression of liver disease (r=0.50, P<0.0001) and its detection rate was 6%, 27%, 35% in patients with fiosis, cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma, respectively, with an 
increase in its level. Furthermore, HCV was detected in 66% ofTB–infected patients indicating that TB–patients are susceptible to HCV. Conclusion: Detection rate of TB–55kDa was found to increase with the progression of liver pathology 
indicating that advanced liver stages are more likely to be susceptible to TB. Moreover, TB may be a potential risk factor on liver fiosis progression.

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Abdelfattah M. Attallah, Camelia A. Abdel Malak, Mohamed M. Omran, KhaledFarid, Mohamed S. Albannan, Ahmed A. Attallah, Mahmoud A. Attia, Ragab A. Ibrahim, Ahmed M. El-Waseef Prevalence of Tuberculosis in Chronic Hepatitis Cpatients Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 4 April 2015

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