Volume : I, Issue : V, February - 2012

Public Private Partnership In Rural & Urban Projects In India

Dr. Ashok S. Pawar, Dr. Shankar B. Ambhore

Abstract :

The committee on infrastructure approves and reviews policies and projects across infrastructure sectors. It considers and decides financial, institutional and legal measures required to enhance investment in the infrastructure sector. Up to December 2009, 39 public private partnerships projects of national highways with an investment of Rs. 13698 crore and 23 PPP projects in the port sector with an investment of Rs. 5,7562 crore have been completed. In the civil aviation sector, airports involving a total investment of Rs. 5883 core have been completed through public private partnership made at Cochin, Banglore and Hyderabad airports. Successful co–operation is based on the partners mutual acknowledgment of their diverging legitimate goal and mutually making use of these goals. A PPP in infrastructure can therefore not be used as a strategy to gain a competitive advantage over other companies. The efforts of the accession countries to reforms and upgrade infrastructure and services would potentially benefit from the ppp approach.  

Keywords :

PPP   Rural   Urban   

Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijar  

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Dr. Ashok S. Pawar, Dr. Shankar B. Ambhore Public Private Partnership In Rural & Urban Projects In India Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.I, Issue.V February 2012

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