Volume : V, Issue : IV, April - 2015

Restitution of Conjugal Rights: a Legitimate Claim or Pseudo Defence

Hiranmaya Nanda

Abstract :

 This article is an attempt to reflect the prime objective of restitution of conjugal rights enshrined under 

different personal laws. According to the Hindu Marriage Act marriage is a civil contract and a religious 
ceremony where variety of rights and obligations enjoyed and performed by the parties to the marriage, cohabitation 
being one of them. If there is no reasonable ground for living apart, the court orders for cohabitation and enforces the 
Contract there is nothing wrong as the parties had voluntarily stipulated this at the time of entering into the marriage 
relationship but where there is a reasonable ground for living apart and to avoid in providing maintenance, restitution 
of conjugal rights petition is filed before the court. So the question is whether it is a legitimate claim or pseudo defence.

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Hiranmaya Nanda Restitution of Conjugal Rights: a Legitimate Claim or Pseudo Defence Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 4 April 2015

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