Volume : I, Issue : X, July - 2012

Socio–economic Conditions of Tea Plantation Workers in Bangladesh: A Case Study on Sreemongal

Shapan Chandra Majumder, Sanjay Chandra Roy

Abstract :

Tea is the second most popular drink in the world, after water. For a number of developing countries it is an important commodity in terms of jobs and export earnings. The tea industry in Bangladesh annually produces about 55 –60 millions kg of tea. It ranks 10th in the list of 30 tea producing countries of the world. Bangladesh earns 2,000 million taka (Bangladesh Currency) every year from tea export, contributing about 0.8% to the total GDP of Bangladesh. The study finds that working conditions for pickers are often poor, with low wages, low job and income security, discrimination along ethnic and gender lines, lack of protective gear and inadequate basic facilities such as housing and sometimes even drinking water and food. The study is done to identify the present socio–economic conditions faced by the tea industry workers of Bangladesh and thus provides recommendations to solve the problems.  

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Shapan Chandra Majumder, Sanjay Chandra Roy Socio-economic Conditions of Tea Plantation Workers in Bangladesh: A Case Study on Sreemongal Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.I, Issue.X July 2012

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