Volume : II, Issue : III, December - 2012

Study of Customer’s Opinion and Satisfaction towards Hyper Market– a case of Big Bazaar Hubli (Karnataka State)

Dr. Ramesh. Olekar, Sri. Chanabasappa. Talawar

Abstract :

The basic objective of any marketing activity is to generate, satisfy and retain consumers by facilitating production, distribution and consumption functions of the society. Consequently, any marketing activity is actually a process consisting of a series of iterative and inter–related steps to effectively perform the above–mentioned functions. Retailing is one such step in the marketing chain of activities that facilitates the distribution function. Initially, it was considered as just another step in the marketing chain and the function was accepted as obvious. As the competition increased globally, differentiation became more and more difficult. Consumer’s purchasing power increased as economy opened up into more market–oriented mode. Retail function being the most often used and final link with the ultimate consumer, marketers thought of using it for differentiation and positioning. Big Bazaar was launched in September, 2001 with the opening of its first four stores in Calcutta, Indore, Bangalore and Hyderabad in 22 days. Within a span of ten years, there are now 150 Big Bazaar stores in 80 cities and towns across India. Big Bazaar was started by Kishore Biyani, the Group CEO and Managing Director of Pantaloon Retail. Though Big Bazaar was launched purely as a fashion format including apparel, cosmetics, accessory and general merchandise, over the years Big Bazaar has included a wide range of products and service offerings under their retail chain. This study has basically helped to know the satisfaction level of customers toward Big bazaar and what influence people to shop at big bazaar. Most of the customers are influenced by the offers in big bazaar. Big bazaar has great offers for their customers that acts as the motivating factor which ings the customers to big bazaar

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Dr. Ramesh.Olekar, Sri. Chanabasappa. Talawar Study of Customer’s Opinion and Satisfaction towards Hyper Market- a case of Big Bazaar Hubli (Karnataka State) Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.II, Issue.III December 2012

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