Volume : IX, Issue : III, March - 2019

Sustaining Indian Traditional Textiles

Akshita Bakliwal, Prof. Radha Kashyap

Abstract :

Indian traditional textiles have been known for its unique creativity and skill of the weaver. Traditional textiles are sustainable as they are environment friendly, energy saving form of artistry. Amongst the textile sector, it is the outcome of sustainable textile products. Textiles have remained not only as one of the important options of livelihoods but have also been the saviors of the various traditional skills that have been inherited by the weavers over generations. The present study is an attempt to analyze the importance of Indian handloom sector and problems faced by this sector. The study reveals the problems that the Indian textile weavers are facing. The major challenges faced by the textiles weavers are in availability of raw materials, inadequate finance, poor marketing promotion, inadequate welfare measures and government support. Unhealthy working conditions of Indian Textile weavers have also contributed towards not taking up weaving as their profession. The ways through which Indian traditional textiles can be sustain is to create awareness among new generations to preserve their cultural heritage. Promoting textiles through museums, innovations and product diversification, development schemes and programmes should be adopted. Paths and ideas for sustaining Indian traditional textiles have led to increase in revitalizing traditional textiles. There is a need towards integrating technological innovation in traditional culture and converting it into an economic growth factor.

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SUSTAINING INDIAN TRADITIONAL TEXTILES, Akshita Bakliwal, Prof. Radha Kashyap INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-9 | Issue-3 | March-2019

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