Volume : III, Issue : II, February - 2013

Synthesis, characterisation and study of properties of CNTs prepared by egg protein and metal salt

B. Tiwari, I. P. Tripathi, Sanjay Saxena

Abstract :

Nanoscience is the study of phenomenon and manipulation of material at atomic or molecular scales, where properties differ significantly from that at a larger scale. In nanotechnology we design, characterise and produce materials by controlling their shape and size at nanometre scale1. CNT is a valuable Nanomaterial and is used frequently because of its remarkable properties. CNTs are produced by using Egg protein and nickel salt, characterized and their properties are studied.

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B.Tiwari,I. P. Tripathi,Sanjay Saxena Synthesis, characterisation and study of properties of CNTs prepared by egg protein and metal salt Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.II February 2013

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