Volume : IX, Issue : IX, September - 2019

Synthesis, characterization and electrical conductivity of Fe3O4 nanoparticles

B. Aarthy, S. Subashchandrabose, J. S. Nirmal Ram, D. Nandhini, N. Anandhan

Abstract :

Iron oxide (Fe3O4) nanoparticles were synthesized using Ferric chloride and ammonium hydroxide by co–precipitation technique. The precipitate product was dried at 100°C for 1 hour in vacuum to obtain black magnetite phase of Fe3O4 nanoparticles. The iron oxide nanoparticles were then confirmed using powder X–ray diffractometry measurements in the range 20–80°, the crystallites obtained exactly matches with the Fe3O4 reported in the literature The Energy Dispersive X–ray spectrometry (EDX) and Scanning Electron Microscopic (SEM) analysis were performed. The EDX results show that 90% of FeO is present in the total composition. SEM analysis shows spherical shaped iron oxide particles with an average diameter of 25.87nm are formed. The FT–IR spectrum was recorded to find the characteristic viational peak of Fe–O band; as expected, bands appeared at 563.76 cm–1 as an intense peak and 446.88 cm–1 as a weak peak. The UV–Visible spectrum was measured in the range of 200–800nm to find the band gap in iron oxide nanomaterial. The transitions obtained are between 3.5 to 1.6 eV. Electrical conductivity was measured for different concentration of samples at the different temperature range (30°–50°C). The conductivity is good compared to previous reports.

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SYNTHESIS, CHARACTERIZATION AND ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITY OF FE3O4 NANOPARTICLES, B. Aarthy, S. Subashchandrabose, J.S. Nirmal Ram, D. Nandhini, N. Anandhan INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-9 | Issue-9 | September-2019

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