Volume : VIII, Issue : VII, July - 2018

The Emergence of Parallel & Powerful E-Commerce Brands (vis-a-vis conventional retail brands) and their Management In view of the changing face of Marketing.

Dr. Chitralekha H. Dhadhal

Abstract :

Marketing today is understood not in the old sense making a sale, but in the new sense of Satisfying customer needs and wants in the most efficient manner. However the concept of marketing has been ever changing since its evolution. With the onset of the IT revolution and the emergence of E–Commerce as a powerful medium of communication, there has been a drastic change in the marketing scenario with new theories and rules replacing the old ones. The advent of E–Commerce has paved way for the emergence of Parallel and Powerful E–Commerce Brands vis–a–vis a Conventional retail ands. The relative strength of the E–Commerce ands as compared to the conventional retail and have been addressed in this paper in terms of  the  economies/ advantages / benefits like Mass media, Transaction Cost Economy, Interactivity, etc. The paper also highlights the Challenges of Managing the E–Commerce Brands. There is no doubt that the E–Commerce ands have emerged as a major competitor for the traditional retail ands. And finally, the paper concludes that, though the potential of E–Commerce Brands is huge and benefits are on the rise, traditional retail channels are there to stay. It is practically impossible to visualize a scenario of either or with the E–Commerce emergence completely. The scenario of PARALLEL OFFERINGS of E–Commerce and and Supermarket ands is more likely in the near future. They will each have to fight out for their share in the market place.

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Dr. Chitralekha H. Dhadhal, The Emergence of Parallel & Powerful E-Commerce Brands (vis-a-vis conventional retail brands) and their Management In view of the changing face of Marketing., INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-7 | July-2018

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