Volume : I, Issue : V, February - 2012
To Study Staffing Pattern in Rajasthan Public Healthcare Delivery System.
Dr. Ashwin G. Modi, Sushman Sharma
Abstract :
The health situation in Rajasthan is far from encouraging despite an extensive physical infrastructure and large health manpower engaged in the delivery of health services. The MMR and IMR are also higher than the National Average. In the view of the above, the Government has launched on 24th August 2004, the World Bank assisted ambitious five–year Project to streamline and strengthen its health sector by providing a high quality, responsiveness, affordable, and accountable healthcare system. The Projects total cost is Rs. 472.58 Crores, wherein the State share is 75.72 Crores (16.02%) and the share of The World Bank is 396.85 Crores Summary Under this study we have seen that how this study have been conducted in such as way that we could be near or close to the realities are going on in Government system we can see just last year reports and the programmes have been run by Government & NGOs national as well as international just been flop in the society or people residing in India. What are the standards been laid down by Govt. of India could implement & its money could utilized properly especially for Human Resource & infrastructure. We could understand from the study that RHSDP have received huge amount of money from World Bank but the output is not so much appropriate work is being done but not like other state like Gujarat Govt. have done a tremendous work in health system. We can know more after reading this.
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DOI : 10.36106/ijar
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Dr. Ashwin G. Modi, Sushman Sharma To Study Staffing Pattern in Rajasthan Public Healthcare Delivery System. Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.I, Issue.V February 2012
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Dr. Ashwin G. Modi, Sushman Sharma To Study Staffing Pattern in Rajasthan Public Healthcare Delivery System. Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.I, Issue.V February 2012
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